Below we have gathered a long list of our frequently asked questions.

Already a UMEUS Tenant? You will find more relevant information here



How do I contact UMEUS?

You can contact UMEUS by e-mail: hello@umeus.no


Who can live at UMEUS?

You can apply for a Studio at UMEUS if:

  • You are a student, age 18-30 in a higher education program. If you have applied for a study program you can also apply

Diversity means a lot to us at UMEUS, so there will be ample opportunity for you to meet people from different backgrounds.

How long can I stay at UMEUS?

Until you’re not a student anymore! Our contracts run for three years. You have the possibility to terminate the lease contract 01.08 each year, if a notice of termination is sent to the landlord before 01.05.

How do I apply?

You can apply for a studio by clicking Apply Now on our frontpage. You will be redirected to Hybel where you’ll see all available studios.

How often do you accept new applications?

Our contracts start the 1st of August, and we accept applications as long as we have vacant studios. The waiting list opens early late winter/early spring each year.

Do I need to renew my application?

Yes. While you wait for an available UMEUS Studio, we will ask you monthly whether you’re still interested in being on the waiting list.

What programs do you need to study in order to apply?

In order to apply, you must be matriculated by the Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service or “Samordna opptak.” Phd-students without a student status is not eligible for an apartment, unfortunately.

When can I move in to UMEUS?

You can already apply for a Studio at UMEUS Nardobakken here (click Apply Now).

Can I apply even if I haven’t received an acceptance letter from my higher education program yet?

You can be admitted to UMEUS if you are a student in a higher education program, or if you're going to be a student. Signing a lease contract is a binding agreement, so please keep this in mind.

When can I expect the result of my application?

We review applications as quickly as we can. We’ll update you periodically if you get a Studio and let you know once yours is available.


Moving in

When can i move in?

Starting August 1st, you can move in on weekdays between 09.00-15.00. Keys can be collected in the lobby in Nardobakken 3. The main entrance is facing Kiwi, and Nardobakken 3 is situated behind Circle K.

What do I need to bring?

UMEUS rooms are equipped with basic furnishings and kitchen appliances. Your room includes:

  • Bed
  • Desk space
  • Chair
  • Large closet for clothing
  • Shelves
  • Refridgerator
  • Oven
  • Stovetop
  • Microwave (Nardobakken 3 only)
  • Dishwasher

Do I need to pay a deposit?

Yes, a security deposit is required when moving in. The deposit is equivalent to three month's rent, and is not eligible for use as rental payment.

We also offer a rental guarantee from Tryg Forsikring. You can read more about it here

What do I pay in the first month?

The initial payment includes the following:

  • First month’s rent
  • Security deposit
    If the following is not paid upon arrival, you will not be able to collect your keys until it is paid.

Can I bring my dog when I move in?

No. Although we love dogs too, we do not allow pets at UMEUS.



What is community life at UMEUS like?

Community life at UMEUS is all about getting together. We strive to foster a culture of diversity and inclusion. Our common areas offer a platform for leisure, meeting new friends, and hanging out with your neighbors. When you live at UMEUS, you are expected to take active part in the life of the community.

What is included in the rent?

  • Furnished room with its own kitchen
  • En-suite bathroom with shower
  • Study hall and bookings for common rooms
  • Internet

Additional costs:

  • Electricity: Each resident can select an electricity contract during the signing process. On average, electricity usage is 100 kWh/month or approximately NOK 200-300.
  • Laundry: Standard washing machines may be used for NOK 25 per cycle, while large washing machines cost NOK 30. Use of the dryers is free of charge.

Are prices adjusted annually?

Our prices are adjusted yearly, in line with the increase in the net price index.

Can I sublet my room?

UMEUS allows you to sublet your Studio if you are going to be away from your apartment temporarily, for example in connection to a semester abroad.


Moving out

How do I terminate my lease agreement?

  • All our contracts are three year fixed lease agreements. This gives you predictability, knowing you have a place to stay for three years. During the tenancy, the agreement can be terminated 01.08 each year, provided that a notice of termination is sent to the landlord before 01.05 the same year. The landlord may terminate the agreement on the same terms.

What about my security deposit?

When your lease ends and you have moved out, we will conduct an inspection of the Studio. During the inspection, repair costs and outstanding rent payments are noted down. After both parties have signed the note, the deposit will be refunded. It may take up to six weeks to transfer your refund.

Contact us.